Me before my journey began.

Me before my journey began.
And I thought I looked ok!!!

June 2004

June 2004
I just found this photo. Its hard to look at now!!!

Sunday 17 June 2007

What foods do I eat?

Someone suggested I list the foods I eat now that I am on the Core program.

Firstly I am happy to report that I have enjoyed my first week on Core and have had a better loss according to the scales!!

What I have been eating is fruit, fruit and more fruit!! I have about 4 pieces of fruit, mostly apples and mandarines, and usually a serve of my stewed apples or tin pears for dessert.

For breakfasts I have been following a 5 day plan I had ripped out of the WW magazine. They have been a nice variety. I had weetbix and fruit twice during the week, a morning of cooked tomatoes, mushrooms and WW bacon (was a bit late to work that morning!), a smoothie one morning, and yoghurt and stewed fruit other mornings. I like to save my bread for lunch time usually.

Lunches I have had tuna and tomatoes, smoked salmon in a sandwich with tomato. (l love tomatoes!!), I had soup another day I think. This weekend I have made tomato soup and potato and leek soup for my lunches this week. I usually do my own recipe for soups, but I followed a WW core recipe this time.

Dinners I have had stir frys, plain old meat and 3 veg, pasta dish from a WW core recipe and steamed fish and veges. I did make roast pork last night, but made sure I only had a small amount of meat that didn't look too fatty. I only had 1/2 a roast potato also and then heaps of steamed veges. Dessert has been WW jelly and tinned pears.

Snacks have mostly been fruit and yoghurt. I have had popcorn made in the microwave also. I also have hot chocolates for snacks.

I have used the 21 weekly points for things like WW crispbreads, extra ingredients in my cooking and WW choc chip biscuits. I have tried to limit my sweet snacks so as to really have a good week of healthy foods. I am sure I will have more as the weeks go on though as I do love something sweet.

I'm glad I have had the prompts of the 5 day plan to work from as I wasn't quite sure the first few days and didn't want to stray so early in the week! I have printed off the 4 weeks that the WW site have for their 8 week challenge, so I will use these as my guide over the coming weeks. I don't follow it exactly but pick from different days to suit what I feel like. I didn't like the amount of pasta in the meals as I have really cut back on my pasta and didn't want to eat it as often as the plan said to.

I am going to stick at Core for a while longer I think. I have been keeping my portions as I usually do, maybe even a little smaller, just to give my body a good kick start! I haven't had any major hunger times either.

Its worth having a going with Core.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Great pics Spinny,

I am also struggling and losing bugger all while staying within points. Maybe i will give it a whirl. Do you have a soft copy of this planner you can email me. As I am online i am not privy to that much info and the rules seem a bit sketchy when i look at my online info.


Anne (

December 2004

December 2004
Here is another photo I found of myself before I made the changes in my life. I think I still have that blue shirt, so I should hunt it out for a photo now!!

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"
Quite a difference hey!!

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk
Not the most attractive photo, but I had worked hard!!