Me before my journey began.

Me before my journey began.
And I thought I looked ok!!!

June 2004

June 2004
I just found this photo. Its hard to look at now!!!

Saturday 7 July 2007

The skin is coming off!!

Yes, that's right, the skin is coming off very soon. I have seen the surgeon and he said I am very ready to have the surgery to remove my excess skin. He has estimated I have about 10kg of skin to be removed!!! The best thing he said to me was I was already a skinny person under the extra skin. He was also very pleased with the muscle tone I have developed. I was just so excited and pleased and oh so many emotions. I had to stop myself from getting teary in his office!

The examination wasn't all that glamorous having to be in the nude with someone prodding and poking the flab that no one usually gets to touch. The skin was being lifted here and there! He first examined me, drew on me with black texta, then wanted to show me in the big full size mirror what he would be doing, and then..................... photos! Photos had to be taken . Oh dear, the room was set up like a proper studio. I tried not to be too embarressed, but I was on such a high hearing him tell me I was ready for this ultimate step in my weight loss, that I didn't worry too much that the photos were being taken.
I will have two operations. The first will take off the skin around my torso. This will be 4 days in hospital and about 4 weeks off work. The second operation will fix up my legs and arms. About the same time in hospital and same time off work. There will be scarring, but I don't mind. I can handle a scar around my body and on legs and arms. I would rather the scar than what I see in the mirror now!!!

I just want to talk about the amazing feeling it is to have my hard work acknowledged by the surgeon. I have had a lot of people tell me how great I look, and what an amazing job I have done, but hearing these things didn't convince me that I had done such an amazing thing. I was just doing what was needed and didn't want to give up!
But now I have had confirmation from the surgeon. Someone who knows what he is talking about, and someone who knows what is needed to have been done before this surgery can be done. And not only hearing that I was ready for the surgery, but that I had great muscle tone under the skin and that I was skinny already. This is all something I have never heard before in my life. I have always been big, right since a child. And now I have a doctor, a surgeon telling me I am skinny!!!! I couldn't wait to get back in my car after the appointment to let all the emotions out. I had a quiet sob on my own before telling Andrew the great news.
When I calculate the 10kg of skin into what I still want to lose, I am left with only 5kg to lose to be at the weight I have been aiming for.
I plan to have the first operation in October, so I am hoping to have 5 kg well and truelly gone by then and I will be at a great weight for surgery. I am just so excited to think it is 5kg!! I have been really angry at the scales lately as they don't move very fast at all. In my mind I still had a lot to lose, but now that I know 10kg of it will only be lost by surgery, I understand my body going slower to lose the weight. I know I have been getting fitter and my clothes continue to get too big for me, but the scales haven't taken much notice of those changes!! So now I am really convinced that the scales don't mean too much!!
I am still feeling quite overwhelmed by it all, and maybe when I have actually booked in and have my date in October, it will sink in more. But for now, I am enjoying the thought of being a skinny person!!!!

If you would like to ask me any questions about the surgery or anything else for that matter, please feel free to email me -
I haven't written every detail about the surgery here, but if you are interested in knowing more, just email me!

Oh dear, is this really happening to me!!!!!!

Yippeeee - yes it is!!!!


Sho said...

Go skinny spinny!!

What great news for you :o)

Louiewillbelean said...

Oh Liz,

What an emotional day for you, and to have all your hard work acknowledged it's fantastic.

And running - you go girl there is no stopping you now. I'm planning on doing the 10km Melbourne Marathon you'll probably go sailing past me at the rate your going.

Inspirational - well done

Louie (((HUGS)))

Anne said...

So pleased for you Skinny Minny Spinny!!! It wont be an easy operation I know but it will make you feel even better about yourself than you do now!!

I will be interested in hearing how it all goes.



Mel said...

Wow how amazing. I am so pleased for you. What an amzing journey. Kia kaha! Stand tall. Be proud.

Cheers - Mel

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December 2004

December 2004
Here is another photo I found of myself before I made the changes in my life. I think I still have that blue shirt, so I should hunt it out for a photo now!!

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"
Quite a difference hey!!

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk
Not the most attractive photo, but I had worked hard!!