Anyway, what I was going to write about was a little experience I had today when I showed the photo at the start of this blog to two people. I am talking about the photo with me in a green shirt and black skirt. One of the girls who saw the photo has only known me for the past 2 months and the other for the past 2 years. When they saw the photo, both of them said that they wouldn't have known it was me!! I couldn't believe it and had to ask were they telling the truth!! I cringe at those old photos now and don't ever want to look like that again.
Andrew made a comment the other day that I could have become upset about, but he was saying something lovely really. He said that when he looks at those old photos, he can't believe he wanted to be with someone so big. (Before I could get upset....) He then said that it must have been love and that he could see the person I was inside and that is why he was happy to be with someone of my size. I used to wonder also why he (or anyone) would want to be with me being so big. I thought people would be embarressed to be with me! But my lovely Andrew has stood by me the whole time and is so proud of me. He very often tells me what a wonderful job I have done and how wonderful I look now. He doesn't even mind the sagging skin!! But I know he is just as excited as me to see how my body will be without the skin!!
I am still very focused on the surgery and find myself wishing the days to go quickly. I want to know how I will look! I'm still not scared or nervous, just full of excitement and curiosity as to how I will go with the recovery and what I will look like!
I must have patience though....................