Me before my journey began.

Me before my journey began.
And I thought I looked ok!!!

June 2004

June 2004
I just found this photo. Its hard to look at now!!!

Sunday 16 March 2008

Next Surgery Date Set!!!

WOW, I can't believe that after such a long wait last year for my first surgery, the second one is happening in under 2 weeks!!!! Hardly enough time to work out how many sleeps to go!!
I had decided on booking the surgery in May, but then there were no spots free in May anymore and the next available was July!!! OOOOHHHH I couldn't wait that long. Then I was told that there was a spot on the 27th March! The initial problem with this date was it is on a Thursday, and as the private hospital I go to closes at lunch time on Saturdays, I would only have 2 nights in hospital, and the surgeon would have liked 3 at least. So, after discussions between the surgeon and the nursing staff, he said if I was happy to take the chance that 2 nights would be enough, then he would do the surgery on the 27th March!!! So, with a lot of emotion, I took the the 27th March!! When I got off the phone from booking it, I just burst into tears.
That fits in perfectly with my leave that was already planned, and Andrew will also be on leave. The one little glitch is that my parents leave to visit my sister in New Zealand on the 31st March!! So, no mum helping out when I am home from hospital, and of course, no sister! But with Andrew on leave, that helps. And now my dear friend Nat who is a Nurse is going to stay a couple of days to help Andrew out! So, I feel more than confident that I will be well cared for!! Mum will stay a few days when they get home from New Zealand.
I have many feelings about this second surgery. I get quite spooked when I think about waking up from the anaesthetic and how yukky that feels. I can't wait to be rid of the extra skin still flopping around, especially on my legs, but I'm not looking forward to the slow process of recovery. Well it is all going to be another adventure, but at least I don't have so much of the unknown this time. The surgeon keeps promising me it won't be nearly as major as the first one and I won't feel as bad. Oh I hope not!
I am really starting to feel a lot better. I still have a dressing on over the hole, but it is much smaller and doesn't ooze nearly as much. I have been doing a bit of jogging and not suffering as much afterwards. I can now go a few hours without even noticing that I have had surgery around my middle. Psychologically I have improved heaps, just hearing from the surgeon how well my recovery has been going and that I am ready for the next surgery. Looking in the mirror isn't as hard now, knowing it will all change again in a couple of weeks.
Thanks again for all your support.

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December 2004

December 2004
Here is another photo I found of myself before I made the changes in my life. I think I still have that blue shirt, so I should hunt it out for a photo now!!

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"
Quite a difference hey!!

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk
Not the most attractive photo, but I had worked hard!!