Me before my journey began.

Me before my journey began.
And I thought I looked ok!!!

June 2004

June 2004
I just found this photo. Its hard to look at now!!!

Saturday 22 March 2008

Is that my shadow???

I decided to have a walk this morning instead of a run. It was a glorious morning and the sun was shining. During a part of the walk the sun was over my shoulder, providing me with a full length shadow just in front of me. It took me a while to realise it was my shadow. I just couldn't believe that it was a reflection of my body. I suddenly realised that I have been getting too discouraged about the parts of my body that aren't quite right yet instead of being encouraged by the parts that are looking quite good and show my hard work. I'm not looking to be a "super model" or anything, but to have a body that reflects all the work I have put in to it and that it shows my fittness. Even with this upcoming surgery I know I won't be perfect, but what is perfect anyway?? I am still getting used to having a body this size. It is totally new to me. So the journey continues................

While I was out walking, a lady who was working in her garden asked me "is it all worth it?" Without hesitation I said "It sure is". I was thinking that not only is the exercise good for strengthening my heart, lungs, muscles and my general health and fitness, but it lifts my mood and confidence in myself. It is a great way to keep the mental health in good shape also! So how could it not be worth it!!!!

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December 2004

December 2004
Here is another photo I found of myself before I made the changes in my life. I think I still have that blue shirt, so I should hunt it out for a photo now!!

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"

Me at Noosa - April 2007 - Always pretending to be "Australia's Next Top Model!!!"
Quite a difference hey!!

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk

Finishing the Christchurch Marathon - 10km walk
Not the most attractive photo, but I had worked hard!!